★Subject: [DX-CHAT] 5L2MS rejected by DXCC as a Shipboard Operation
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:06:25 -0500
From: Peter Dougherty W2IRT
Hi all,
Just FYI, I had four claimed QSOs with 5L2MS rejected by the DXCC desk this afternoon; the reason indicated was that this was as a Shipboard Operation (despite he photos at http://www.liberia2007.com/pictures.php).
I'm not sure if theyoperated /MM before or after the operation but the QSO dates that were rejected were October 8, 10, 12 and 13th, 2007 on 30, 17, 20 and 40m respectively. There was nothing on the cards indicating that operation was conducted /MM nor were they signing /MM at the time.
Has anybody else received (or been denied) credit for this operation? Bill Moore is
on vacation this week and next, so if this is an issue, I'll drop him an e-mail when
he gets back in January. Cheers, Peter, W2IRT